目前分類:Journal (27)

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Blogger will end in December, something I've known since the summer. This morning the sudden realization of the coming of November made me get to it right away. Thank goodness it's not horribly hard to move the blog content as I don't have that many.


The previous blog name Bamboo Pavilion will not be used here. Life on the Island subtitle still applies. Will keep documenting life bits here from the beautiful Pacific coast.


Summer has past and we're entering Autumn with falling temperature and leaves.


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We started packing after the early May conference. Somehow it felt so right to put things in boxes than to see them in this place. We have not felt home in this space for all the many issues and extreme "landlord bully" -- a term we learnt from Residential Tenancy Agency. 

There was a long weekend before the moving weekend. We worked hard on packing on Sunday morning so we could go to the farm in the afternoon in the good warm sunshine weather. B-u-t, when we finally got into the car to head out to sunshine (the kids even prepared food and water and got those all ready in the car), the car broke down! In the U.S., we always had full roadside insurance coverage since we got this car for all those situations and of course it never happened there. Hubby biked to get battery connector and worked all afternoon and early evening to change the connector. The car still didn't budge. I took the kids to the meadow so the older one can fly a handmade kite and the younger one can play around. They soon bumped into each other, the older one hurt her knee, and the younger one hurt his brow bone.

Later a friend came by and recommended a mechanic, who came on the last day of the long weekend to say it needed a new starter. The older one's knee continued to hurt. Because this is the first time we deal with the knee injury in a kid, and she complained about a lot of paint, I took her to the walk-in clinic. Because we weren't sure if she could walk, we asked a friend for a ride. The clinic was packed, and it took an hour's wait to hear the dr. say she'd be fine in 3-5 days and just take Advil for pain if she continued complaining. Since the dr. thought she'd be fine, we walked some way to catch a bus home.

The next day the mechanic phoned but didn't get connected to our magic jack. The car didn't get fixed until the 4th day of the incident. 

Then finally it's moving weekend. The kids packed their scattered stuff. On Friday morning we drove the car loaded with storage less used stuff to the new place, got the keys and started painting the living room. The work went very slowly. I was so tired from the week that I only worked on the small sections. I also thought how tiring moving is and how much work we did for the last move but that didn't pay off since we couldn't stay 2 yrs as we originally planned. After we brought the kids over, we realized that the wall color peach puff looked pinkish at dayclose. We went to choose another kind of paint in the evening, which took a long time to pick. We eventually settled on Apricot Nectar. In the morning after the kids went to school, we painted over the pinkish color and Apricot Nectar goes really well with the wood floor and looks promising with our dark hardwood bookshelf -- we'll know tomorrow after it's moved. At 1pm we picked up the kids, and got them lunch from sushi place to eat at old place, and moved our closets content over to the new place. Hubby and I also unpacked some kitchen stuff. There are so many drawers in the new kitchen that I put labels on the drawers in order to remember what's where for everyone.

Tomorrow morning the movers are scheduled to come. Hubby and I are working hard to get everything packed and get everything semi-packed into our car.

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We have felt quite unsettled for years through graduate schools, 3-yr posts, and the attempts to find a place to settle instead of looking for places every other year in this expensive coastal city. Years of graduate schools and postdoctoral studies leave us no real savings, and without a very large downpayment it is impossible to become homeowners here. 

Last year we thought we found a place that we wouldn't have to move for at least a couple years. The landlord expressed the wish for us to stay long-term, and said he would not increase rent. We therefore invested much to buy the paint, painted the place (see older posts), bought organic products to deordorize the strong dog smell that plagued the place and spent hours and days cleaning the space. 

However, we learnt the problems of multiple-unit rental house living the hard way. There are two kitchens in two rental units downstairs. Because all units' heat vents are connected, whatever smell from the downstairs cooking would all drift into our bedrooms, washrooms, and living space. We had to hurry to block the vents, or our towels and rooms would all smell like whatever other tenants were cooking. The house was not designed to be separated, so there was not enough hot water for 3 units to use, and a lot of sounds are audible around the house. During our quiet hours after kids go to bed at 9pm, we could hear the downstairs talk even though they were not loud at all, and they found our kids loud because the floor really did not block any sound. During winter months, low-efficiency heat did not reach the downstairs or upstairs corner rooms, while our kitchen and study were over heated, the downstairs complained about being cold. 

Private owner can be great, okay, or just bad. The one we had was nice on the appearance, and quite the opposite inside. He provoked animosities between units as a way to push off his responsibilities and make people pay extra heat charges. When downstairs complained about being cold, he asked us to block some of our vents to make the heat go downstairs, while we paid 50% of heating cost and can't get our corner rooms warm. After we blocked the vents and he set the heat control, when the downstairs complained about being cold again he accused us of not being cooperative by not blocking our vents or changing his temperature control in our unit -- we didn't change it, but the temperature detector read it as warmer when there were human activities in the space. He, his screaming wife (we heard her scream at him before downstairs, at a young tenant before downstairs, and then on the phone to us when other tenants were in our living room) and his dad all came over to ring and made us speak to them and downstairs tenants in order to make it out to be all our responsibilities. When we told him we didn't change the control or unblock the vents, the couple kept pressuring. The downstairs neighbors came to speak to us later to say they understood it's not our responsibility, but the landlord's to ensure proper distribution of heat. When they saw he had no wish to solve problem other than pushing the responsibility on us, they all moved out. 

After long months of housing hunting, thanks to my colleagues and friends who provided suggestions and support, we finally found a place of our dream -- somewhere we can afford, and stay long-term, and do not need to worry about scheming and badmouthing landlord, screaming landlady, or downstairs complaints about kids while we could even hear downstairs alarm go off.

This owner couple were very pleased that we left before the contract ended like all other tenants, because they immediately posted the ad and raised the rent by $200. We are very grateful because if it weren't for this horrific experience we would not have found the housing alternative that just works out so wonderfully.

We have lots of transitions -- moving again when we didn't plan to, and transferring kids back to the last school. But hopefully this move is really towards where we settle for a quite long while with kindness and friendship around!

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Before Chinese New Year, it is important to 1) clean 2) cook.

1. Clean:

  • each person cleans out their own bedroom
  • 6-yr-old and 8-yr-old one washroom each & together tidy up living room & study 
  • vacuum floors: 6-yr-old in charge, 8-yr-old assist
  • daddy & mommy clean up kitchen

2. Cook:

  • roast vegetables to make yummy soup: pumpkin, turnips, onions, beets, carrots, acorn squash, celery, eggplant
  • bake chicken 

honey oolong 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Over the Christmas holidays we stayed up very late, watching Star Wars or playing Quirkle, 6-yr-old's Christmas gifts from us and from Chinese Classics teacher, together. We went to bed later and later at night, and got up close to noon during the second half of the winter break.

We saw the friends whose younger girl was the only one light enough for me to pick up among the kids' friends. I asked her if she would go home with me because she's so cute, and she said she will not go home with me :( I was so happy to pick her up again, but the 6-yr-old wasn't gonna have it. After I let her down, he came over to sit on my lap, not letting me get up or leaving space for anyone else. The kids act like this every now and then -- they suddenly get jealous about certain things, but generous with other things.

The 6-yr-old has looked for Star Wars books to read, and engaged us in conversation about Star Wars all the time since the winter break. Recently, when they complain or get jealous, I would start doing a Yoda and reminding them: "Jealousy leads to frustration, frustration leads to anger, anger leads to violence, which leads to the path down the dark side..." The kids would start acting up about this, sometimes smiling but always asking me to stop. I've also used the same formula on their homework. When they succeed in learning new things, I would remind them: "Practice leads to success, success leads to confidence, and confidence leads to more practice, more practice leads to more success, and more success leads to more confidence, and that's the path leading to the bright side." They are happier to hear about it though not very patient with the articulation.

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The first week back to school/work, everyone has trouble getting back to routine. 8-yr-old hasn't finished work on time -- she thought she did, but the classics teacher said she and her brother didn't read the classics homework as instructed. 6-yr-old had to take a nap coming back from the first school day, and had an allergic reaction of angry rashes that kept him up at midnight so dad had to go get medicine when mom tried to distract him from scratching his skin off. On Wednesday and Thursday both cannot finish homework until very late. 8-yr-old complained about not wanting to wake up in the morning.  Because the classics teacher said they didn't do what they were assigned to accomplish, they are banned from using computer for a week. 8-yr-old believes she gets exhausted from homework. She also asked daddy and mommy to pay for her hot lunch, and just when she finished work on time on Monday and Tuesday to earn good credit, on Wed. the classics teacher said the classics part of the work was not done so the credit couldn't count.

8-yr-old starts geometry, which she thinks boring -- supposed to be very fun, but drawing shapes is not enough for her.

Mom was used to reading into after midnight too during the winter break and she pretty much collapsed into bed after finishing shower and dinner on Monday and Tuesday. 

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6-yr-old: wishes for the new year
1. watch Star Wars with mom all the time; good people win in Star Wars (mom: better there's no war at all)
2. wish Mario wouldn't go bad
3. do ginger bread
4. 8-yr-old don't annoy me
5. daddy could drive me to skating

6. see 8-yr-old's jewelry box
7. mommy would make me pudding

1. become a great painter - make sure my paintings are great
2. go visit Taiwan
3. get into higher level of reading, beat E (who's faster) in math
4. have courage to tell E that I don't want to play with her
5. meet new friends
6. be nice to family
7. have a happy new year

1. complete the goals by doing a good job of managing distractions and allocating time for writing
2. plan vacation ahead of time well and a trip to BC interior in the summer
3. exercise regularly and frequently
4. family health and happiness and (intellectual and kids physical) growth
5. universe peace, equality, and prosperity

1. family health
2. find a good job on the island
3. smooth growth in financial management
4. temper management
5. acquire new tech such as statistics
6. family travel

honey oolong 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Faster than we can imagine, it's only 2 more weeks of summer vacation. We've gradually settled into the new place, enjoyed some sunny days, and need to have a plan for the remaining summer vacation.

What everyone in the family wants to do before kids school starts:

Soon-to-be 1st-grader:
  • make popsicle
  • watch four golden princesses and sing along
  • write to cousin Issac
  • make craft with everyone

Soon-to-be 3rd-grader:
  • go to Vancouver and buy 20 loaves of bread (coconut stripe bread)
  • paint pictures
  • go to the swim pool and make mommy come into the pool (mom: ouch; 1st-grader: you can't boss mommy around)
  • go to the library
  • watch Harry Potter movie
  • skype granddad
  • play with stuffy
  • go to petshop to see animals
  • have a playdate with friends
  • dance  -- Done on August 27th according to her

  • hiking all the way from bottom to top of the mountain -- Done on August 27th, yeah! We were lost on the trails and a nice runner told us to follow the road back down, but we got lost once we cross the street again in the midst of trails. It's all good!
  • paint pebbles
  • watch family movie together
  • kids finish all homework review to earn prize -- Done on August 25th, earned Legos.
  • have friends over -- One on August 27th; 
  • do yoga with kids

  • go to French Beach
  • watch movie

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The Olympics London 2012 begins today. 8 years ago 8-yr-old was born shortly before the Olympics. During 2004 Summer Olympics, every evening saw this several-day-old cry b/w 8 and 11pm. No matter how we comforted her, she would cry during that period. Auntie thought the baby was adjusting to a completely different world. I remember that during that week, hubby was away and every evening I would have the tv on, trying to watch the Olympics, and hubby would phone, but I couldn't hear anything but the baby crying. 2008 Olympics took place just after we moved from Texas to Michigan, without furniture or tv. One evening we went to a college classmate's house so I could see the gymnastics, but the then 4- and 2-yr-olds wouldn't quiet down, and we had to leave early. This time I figured that I would finally have time to watch it because we finished moving before the opening, and the kids are older. We weren't sure where we would be this year either.

I was particularly interested in the opening ceremony. The way a country, once a glorious empire, represents its most proud national icons, cultures, achievement, is so filled with history and rich symbolisms -- all from a culture that is so influential through its worldwide colonial history which also informs where we live right now.

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After more than a week of 1-2 trips a day moving smaller items, last Sunday we moved the big furniture with the help of two friends. With the van from UHaul and our own old minivan, we did 2 trips to complete the move. -- that was very strange! because in Michigan we only needed one round with a truck. Hubby went back to clean the old apartment yesterday and we all felt that it was really small compared to the new place. It was a very strange feeling to be back there. There was a lot of convenience living in downtown. It's also very fun for hubby and kids to see the carriages pass by the street below. But the truck that parked at the loading zone downstairs in the street idling and releasing exhaust really made us appreciate the fact that we moved away. Both kids really appreciate having their own room and hope they don't have to move again (well, it's a rental home).  The 3rd-grader thought she really wanted to have someone in her room, but realized that she likes to sleep on her own schedule without her brother singing or chatting.

On the moving day hubby and I worked from 7am to after 9pm, SO exhausting! We bickered more than a couple months combined in this past week. Moving is very tiring, and we only did an international one last July, but it doesn't seem like we're doing a more relaxed job with a local move.

honey oolong 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

  • Jul 22 Sun 2012 14:18
  • Move

Last year after I received the job offer and started looking for a place to live in this new city, it was almost impossible, as a lot of posts were taken right after the first person viewed it, and people didn't want to rent to us who were out of town. Finally a friend's friend helped us check out this downtown sublet apt. which happens to be on top of shops. It is very nice to be next to the grocery store and within walking distance to work, but the noises and smoke from downstairs have affected the quality of life here. So we started place hunting in April, and found a place in the suburb in early May and signed the rental contract.

The first weekend in July we spent two days painting over the dark paint (see here and here). This past week we move a minivan-ful everyday. We set up the new book shelves (didn't bring any big ones and haven't unpacked our book boxes since moving here last July.) It feels like we already moved a lot of things, but there are always still more to go. Saturday we moved the fridge stuff and pillows at night. Sunday is the day when two friends are coming to help move the big furniture in a rental truck. So we'll actually start living in the suburb. It's a much more spacious place overlooking meadows. The only disadvantage will be my commute -- 35-45 minutes each way.

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Yesterday my boss came by to help a couple hours in between his busy Sat. schedule. He thought the living room looked quite big and hubby would need a lot of time painting it. So this morning we thought we might just finish the living room today, and hubby will paint the dining room/den later in the week. We didn't go over until 11am, and wondered how long it would take us. 

Today I started with the lower parts that are more accessible for me, and hubby painted the upper half of the living room walls. Then the kids helped with the lower half of the main dining room wall.

When I worked on the other side of the wall, I wondered how to pay tribute to this very red color of the walls, so I decided to do flower print that retains some of the red colors.

Curious to see how the flowers turn out after the paint dries later. Hubby said if they don't look good we'll paint over, but I really hope they do so we'll have a trace of the red there!

Surprisingly, we finished the first coat in both living room and den, and some of the second coat in the living room by 3:15pm. So we sat down to eat a bit and kept going. At this point, I found that rolling up and down the paint roller with body moving up and kneeling down for hours was actually a lot of exercise for various parts of the body. I started trying to do half walls again but simply did not have the energy to lift up my body and the roller so high any more, so I tried to help patching up certain places, but didn't do a good job there either. The poor hubby thus had to do the second half of the second coating himself but all is done before 5pm ^_^
This color is chosen for us to feel warm during the long rainy and cloudy months. Yesterday when the nice friend came over she suggested that the living room and dining room should have different shades of peachy color. When we were working today, it was obvious that with the light changing from the east to west from morning to afternoon, the living room facing east and the den facing west would get different light exposure throughout the way. This way, even when they are of the same color tone, the two rooms look different in color shade during daylight time.

After washing the rollers etc., we went to get haircuts, all of us having paint in the hair. The hairdresser's house has bunnies, and we had fun playing with them when waiting for our turn.

Nice warm summer day is officially here!

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The mud brown and dark red colors we wish to paint over.
The colors are lighter than original due to large amount of light when the photo was taken. 
After a very cool and rainy June and a rainy first July weekend, it brightens up and the usual summer weather is here: sunny and bright, highs in the 17-22°C, and lows in the 11-13°C. Lucky for us because we need to paint over the dark colors in the house before moving  during the 2nd or 3rd week of July. This weather makes it easier for the paint to dry.

This morning we picked up a friend and her two younger children on the way to start painting. She had to teach me how to expose the rollers to paint so it's even and not dripping. She help for 2.5 hrs and we took the kids to the playground across the grass where her hubby picked them up.  Her youngest 2 are similar in age to mine so that was nice for them to play together. Her children are of mixed descent and they have full curly brown hair and beautiful features.

Since it's a rental home, hubby doesn't feel like painting it, but I cannot live with the dark and gloomy colors during the rainy winter months. I chose all warm colors. There are 4 spaces that need painting over: master bedroom (originally dark grey), kitchen (dark red), dining room -- we'll use it as a den and study -- (dark red), and living room (mud brown). Thank goodness the landlord will paint the two smaller rooms that have black and green chalk board for a wall each.

Today's progress: we coated 2 layers of serene peach color over the dark master bedroom walls -- it took more than 1 gallon because the dark absorbed lots of paint; we coated 1.5 layers of kitchen walls in wildflower honey color and hopefully there's not a lot to make up tomorrow.
Master Bedroom Walls Before
Master Bedroom Walls After

In the middle of the getting to the edge of painting the kitchen wildflower honey, we found it very hard to paint the small corners between stuff. 

Tomorrow we're going to tackle the big living room brown walls. Hopefully the kids can apply the first coat on the lower half of the walls in both living room and dining room and we'll get through at least a second coat in the living room. 

honey oolong 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

One year ago, I came here for the job interview and went back to Michigan to complete the last task and waited for the results. It was sunny and bright when I came, and I stayed 3 nights; first 1.5 days getting ready for the test and interview, 1 day for interview and the prep for the last task, followed by a day of long travels back. The way back took more than 12 hrs included 2 transfers of planes each way because I only received the invitation for an interview 2 weeks before the actual date. I feel grateful for the experience. 

It has been a dramatic transformation for our family since then. After moving here we've been living next to the grocery store that I shopped for fruit and soy milk on my first day of interview trip right after arriving here last year in mid June. Next month we will move to the suburb to get away from the downtown noises. We'll miss the convenience of walking distance to everywhere here, but do look forward to the green pasture behind the future place. Hope it will be a quiet house.

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After my dentist appointment on Tuesday, I went to pick up the kids from school (usually hubby does it if I'm at work). As mentioned earlier I always pick up the cute girl J in my arms whenever I see her because 1) I love her and 2) she's the only one light enough I'm able to pick up :b (my own kids are too heavy for me for some time now) 3) their family is wonderful so they don't mind 4) she was born in the province my dad was from. She's now very used to get me to pick her up whenever she sees me. 

Today after I picked her up and kissed her, 

J:     Your son asked me to marry him you know.
Me:  Really? again? 
J:     Yes. He wrote it on a card to me asking "Will you marry me?"
Me:  So what's your answer?
J:     Yes. I will.
Me:  Really? You will really marry him when you grow up?
J:     Yes, I will marry him when I grow up if he wants to.

At this point she, still in my arms, called to my kindergartener and asked him if he remembered that card where he asked her to marry him, and he smiled mischievously and nodded.

I repeated the conversation to J's mom who smiled. It was a hot topic at the beginning of school year when they first met in class. I remember the many days when the new kindergartener came home to tell me that he knew he will marry J when he grew up. J's dad was away at the time doing mining consultant work out of province, and whenever I chatted with J's mom, we laughed about this. When J's dad returned home after the season was over in the late fall, J's mom told me that J's dad heard about her daughter and our son's plan to get married and asked gruffly "WHO IS THIS GUY?" and we laughed. But the two kindergarteners were serious. One day my kindergartener casually told me that, after they get married, J will have babies and he won't because he's a boy. And I asked him: did J agree to having babies because it could hurt? (My kids heard about my pain delivering them.) He said yes, they both knew. I checked with J's mom later and indeed the two kindergarteners figured out a future plan by themselves.

This past second semester I didn't hear anything about this plan and thought the deal was off, but now with my son's proposal card I guess it's back on. I asked J if I can take a photo of this card and she will show it to me when we go to her house next time.

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Last week after the stomach flu I had to take a seaplane for meetings in Vancouver.  Taking the ferry takes about 3 hrs drive + 3 hrs on the ferry + 2 hrs wait round trip; and taking the seaplane takes 40 min. wait and 1 hr ride round trip; so if we have 3 important meetings in a day we take a seaplane and hold meetings in the same area.

When I first went to meetings last year I always had too many things in mind to see how the ride was going.  On top of which the weather last fall and winter when I took the seaplane was very unstable, causing the ride to be very bumpy at times and making me sick in my stomach.  This spring it has been quite cool and wet in the Pacific Northwest.  Fortunately, last Wed. was a nice day with sunshine and blue sky.  At the same time, I've been learning that there are so many forces beyond our control that all that we can do is our best and see how things go to adjust both our mindset and approaches.  My concerns earlier on the project were from the hope to make all things work out; and in the process I understand that heavenly time, earthly interest and people's harmony have to all mature at the same time for it to work out.  I'm doing the best I can to get things ready for all these factors to mature.  So this time, between the sunshine, blue sky, milder wind, a more relaxed mindset, and manager in a good mood, I was able to enjoy the ride for the first time in the 4 times I did it. 

Between the first two meetings I took this snapshot from the Harbour Centre.  Because of the cruise season, we noticed this cruise ship alongside the other one when we landed.  This one is the Island Princess. 
When we walked back to the Seaplane terminal after 3 meetings and 2 additional visits with our community partners, we found that there were actually 3 cruise ships, and the Island Princess was leaving Canada Place for the High Sea.

A seaplane, looking comparatively smaller next to the cruise ship (I heard people call cruise ships floating cities before), was moving slowly until the Island Princess was out of its way. 
On our way on the seaplane we noticed this cruise was not Holland America, or Norwegian Cruise Lines that we usually see on the Alaskan routes.  I double checked after I got home, and found that this Asuka II (Flying Bird II) is a Japanese cruise ship. 

And we also saw Island Princess outside the harbour heading west from the seaplane:
Some views of North Vancouver before we headed south:

At this point it got cloudy, otherwise blue sky would make the water color blue too.  Here's a view of the Gulf Islands:
The small dots are sail boats.
And back through the north of our island:

to the south of island:

and Inner Harbour
It's nice to be home before dark, a luxury from the summer days and seaplane rides.

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A couple weeks ago the kindergartener's best friend had stomach flu. The week before his other best friend had stomach flu -- but this is a girl I often pick up and get a kiss from whenever I go to the kids' class. I love her not only because of the special bond that she's originally from the same province where my dad was born, but also she's super cute and the only one light enough for me to pick up.

Last past Friday the kindergartener came home from school saying he was tired, which is not unusual as he sometimes needs a nap in the afternoon. After he had some fruit, he napped on the couch as usual -- the kids don't get on their beds unless it's after their shower in their pjs. What was unusual was the length of this nap -- after we woke him up for dinner, he couldn't totally wake and kept laying back on the couch. While his dad and sister thought his sleepiness was funny, I knew something was wrong with him. He complained about stomach ache for a long while until finally throwing up the watermelon he ate in the afternoon. As we learnt from their childhood pediatric clinic, the stomach flu goes away by itself without medication after stomach is empty for some time without food or liquid; any liquid or food after vomiting would keep the virus active and the stomach would churn out anything that goes in, which we did experience in their childhood.  Anyway, with the empty stomach treatment, the kids got over it in 1 day during the weekend and went happily to school on Monday. 

I fell sick the Monday after a normal day of work. When kids complained about discomfort I didn't know that it involved body ache and everything else other than just stomach. It was so uncomfortable for the whole evening and took a Tuesday's rest to get over the flu -- so much faster than other flus. 

And we wonder if hubby will get it like kindergartener's good friend's dad who also was in bed with headache and stomach ache on Tuesday like me...

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Just showed the kids and hubby some posts we did in the past, after not visiting this blog for a long time. Reading over the kids talk really increased the appreciation for having written these things down back then... So will definitely write more of it from now on.

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I just came back from 6 days in the interior, an amazing trip through the landscape of coast, mountain forest, dry and wild ranch country, northern forest, and back.

After 3 days of driving through very rainy and grey landscape, the fourth morning was brightened with sunshine and was the most wonderful and cheerful day. It really makes a big difference -- if it weren't for the three full rainy, cold and grim days, the sun would not have been SO much more appreciated.

The kindergartener made 3 welcome-home cards for mommy ^_^ The 2nd-grader read through 6 volumes of Harry Potter when mom was away.

What everyone hopes for family members:
For daddy -- take a deep breath and have quiet time before dealing with things and kids that frustrate him;
For 2nd grader -- take a deep breath and use smart brain to solve problems and make good choices of finish duties;
For kindergartener -- take a deep breath and use smart brain to make good choices and solve problem by first looking at problem/face in the eyes;
For self -- take a deep breath and be organized with work and daily life.

For daddy -- not scream; give him quiet space when he's frustrated;
For mommy -- get done with homework soon and play with me; (mommy: play what??)
For kindergartener -- not to annoy me when I'm doing homework or something I like;
For self -- keep calm.

For mommy -- get more exercise, relax about job;
For 2nd-grader -- listen to daddy, finish work before reading;
For kindergartener -- solve problems without crying, and not to annoy and irritate others;
For self -- follow heart to work and plan for future, less temper.

For daddy -- not scream; take a deep breath, and not to bite my nose;
For mommy -- you can do your job and don't get frustrated with job (Dad: when and where did mommy get frustrated? Kindergartener: because I don't know what to say)
For 2nd-grader -- don't yell at me like today;
For self -- don't cry and take deep breath when frustrated.

Next weekend, what we want to do together:
2nd-grader: ride bike, mountain hiking, and read books; go to library to check out books;
Kindergartener: nice weather go to Goldstream, take a walk, look at magic show in Inner Harbour;
Daddy: watch basketball together (Kindergartener: yeah! chimpanzee. Dad: no! Championship game.); nice weather take a road trip (not if there's a game on TV);
Mom: take an oceanside stroll.

Last thing to add before going to bed:
Kindergartener: add to wishlist a playdate with Noah.


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Finally we got all our things on Thursday evening. It felt like a dream to look around the bedroom, where we slept on the floor for 15 days, that is now filled with some of our most familiar stuff in the bedroom, the beds, old and torn love seat whose side is the kitty's favorite scratch post, and warm lights.

Seaside 5 minutes walk from apt.

Now the living room is still messy with the remaining boxes, along with the balcony which serves the function of temporary storage -- we were promised storage before we came, and then realized that for this 175-apt. building there are only 70 storages.

The goal for this first weekend after the first work week is to get everything in place, or most things at best. Feel so sleepy though :b

The kids have been fighting everyday this past week, and they are separated now because they fought every chance they got.

As the day goes, the kids finished their homework, and we're clearing out most of the boxes in the living room... Lots more organizing to go: getting the shoe organizer on, reorganize the clothes, put up decorative arts, and put the rest in storage, before our home is ready for our convenience, yeah!

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