目前分類:Family (14)

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Today is Canadian Thanksgiving.

What we're thankful for --

11-yr-old: presents, video games, food, and books

13-yr-old: education, literature, technology, family, friends, life itself

mom: family including aunties, where we are, house, work

dad: family, health, work & house

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The 13-yr-old and the 11-yr-old have been fighting in the summer time. Before the younger left for camping for 3 days:

11-yr-old: I hope you get blown up!

13-yr-old: I hope you get eaten by a bear!


IMG_5343  Park in the early summer


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Me: You took the most cheesy part of the bread!!

12-year-old: (licked through the piece) Yup.



10-yr-old was playing and jumping in parents room.

Mom: "Did you just fart?"

10-yr-old: "heeheehee." (Walking out of the door and closing the door) "Closing the door so the smell doesn't go..."



From 11-yr-old to mom:

If you split up with dad and found someone else you liked, and he came to our place to live, I would glare at him, give him a lot of attitudes, and treat him like a scum. But that's not gonna happen. If it did happen, I would treat him worse than what I said.

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Today the soon-to-be-12-yr-old, sitting in the washroom when mom made her cut her nails, suddenly confessed:

"Everytime I cut my nails I would feel a little guilty because I remembered that once two years ago, I was angry at my brother and I was out for revenge. So when I cut my nails I did it in his room and spread my cut nails all over his floor in his room. That night, he was jumping over the floor saying how the floor was prickly. It was really funny to me at that time but ever since I felt guilty about it."



Mom asked the soon-to-be-10-yr-old to make a confesstion too now big sister did one. He said he has a lot of it but he won't. Mom made him do one.

"A long time ago I was very very mad at big sister, so I got booger out of my nose and put it on my sister's pillow. Don't tell her."

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Today we went to Mill Hill for a walk. Mill Hill has a very steep hill, but after getting through it the view at the top is nice.

When the car arrived at the park parking lot,

Mom: Did anyone else bring water?

Kids: No, too heavy.

Mom: How can you not bring water for a walk?

Kids: You brought it.

Mom: Not for all. (to dad) Would you take it on the walk?

Dad: No it's an hour walk, no need to bring it.

Mom: Ohhhh. (started to drink water from the bottle before the walk.)

(Dad tried to grab the water and the 9-yr-old got in between to shield mom. Mom felt heartwarming that the young child was helping.)

9-yr-old: No touching. It's all for me!

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Today at lunch I played hockey and  hurt my hand. It was when X accidentally slid his hockey stick right up mine and both of our sticks clashed against my hand. It hurt a lot. X said sorry but G said i faked it till i showed him my huge cut. We had assembly because M is leaving the school.. He has been working at our school for over 8 years . I can not believe that N is in Mexico! He gets a lot of sun and we get clouds and rain. I also want him to come back soon because he does not know that M is leaving the school. He will be sad because N likes M. He will be like this. He would not like to hear the news. J has been very quit but he keeps saying he is fine. Something is going on with him. It is weird.


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June 2015
Recently mom found a yummy yeast-rising waffle mix recipe that makes crispy waffles, so yummy that the kids eat a lot of them and our waffle iron is now used almost daily.
Before family film watching evening,
Mom: The waffle mix needs to be made the night before. Let's not eat it tomorrow morning as it's late and I don't want to make it.

During family film watching break,
Mom: Let's make the waffle mix tonight so we can have it for breakfast tomorrow.
Dad: You said not tonight.
Soon-to-be-11-year-old: It's because she saw the food in the film and now she wants it.
Mom: You're so smart!
Soon-to-be-11-year-old: That's because I'm that way too. I want to eat it when I see it.

May 2015
The younger one just turned 9 year old, and the older one will turn 11 next month.

Late May
Kids playing with friends family
Mom: Where are your sister and her friend?
9-yr-old: I turned them into flies!!

Friday 16 May 
The younger one: She's nice to daddy, to mommy, to Coco and Kiki.
Dad and Mom: She's not nice to you?
The younger one: She spends a quarter of her time scolding me.

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Finally we're out of that pestilential space plagued by the owners' greed and bully. There are still follow-ups with that place etc. (cleaning, moving small scattering stuff and our bikes, dealing with issues) but at last we are out of there. What a relief!

The movers came on time, arriving at 10:25am (scheduled for 10-10:30). They estimated to finish in 4 hours, 2 to load and 2 to unload. They said townhouse is hard to get in because of the turns with tight stairwells. Two of them are experienced and very tall (for our standard). Eventually they lifted most of the big stuff to the second floor balcony so the queen mattress and big book shelf didn't have to go through such turns etc. When they finished in 4 hours, I praised the accuracy of the estimate, and he said it's luck, because the other experienced one came instead of a preassigned young and small mover, who would not have been able to do the lifting and picking up (what they called throw) through the second floor balcony. So cool!

What we appreciated first and foremost is that now each room has temperature control, and we no longer have to worry about kids walking or talking bothering downstairs. SO thankful that we cannot stop appreciating it. This way we're able to use our living room and other space much more than before, since in that old place most of the time we huddled in the kitchen where it was the warmest. I'm also really glad to get out of the suburbial neighborhood to move into a much more community-based place. The board of directors came by to say hi, and one introduced the kids to play together. We really look forward to being part of the community here, and I really look forward to gardening! I hope for once we'll be able to have lavender at our place.

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Angry Bird
The young kindergartener went to visit paternal grandparents and uncles with his dad, and brought back 2 stuff-animal Angry birds that screech like the video game ones. The 2nd-grader was happy to get hers and they played with those in their room. Suddenly there was crying from the room, and when we checked with the kids, the 2nd-grader wailed:

He said I was a green pig, so he threw an angry bird at my head!

Soon-to-be 1st-grader:
Nonie (Snowball, the 13-yr-old white fluffy cat) only goes to washroom, eats, walks, and sleeps, and don't do anything else. What she needs is Homework!

The kids like to say hi to people. They once sat at the side door of minivan while waiting for the ferry, and waved hi to every car that past us to join the waiting line. Some people were happily surprised as they drove by and turned from their steering wheel to say hi back.
Today when we walked through downtown from library back home, the soon-to-be third grader waved  hi to the tourists on the carriages, and one of them waved back.
Soon-to-be 1st-grader:
"She says hi to everyone. She is a hi-er!"

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By second-grader after dinner, homework and shower, in pajamas
I have been singing hot crust buns for months and I have been playing hot crust buns on the recorder too. My mom is getting fed up with it ( ha ha!)
I learned eight songs today because  there is only EIGHT more lessons in the year!!!

By mom

I was just going to start another blog entry, when second-grader started singing "Hot cross bun" again -- this 3-sound recorder song is so monotonous that I kept wondering why they haven't progressed to more sophisticated songs.

This year we didn't plan summer camp ahead of time because of many prior uncertainties: moving location, job prospect, etc. After finally finding a place to move to in early May, it's a bit late to register for themed summer camps. The kids will definitely swim, and we'll look for soccer classes for both. The lazy mom doesn't want them separated for extra curriculum classes that we have to drive them separately. Hopefully we'll have fun getting into a new place and enjoying the green pasture after we move. Wish we could have a goat or sheep, and chicken. But farm life would mean long distance commute, which is not something we can do, because we need time together as family and long commuting would take away from that.

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Yummy sausages

Me: The sausages that we ordered will arrive next week, and they are very very yummy. The problem is, sausage is simply not a healthy food. How much of it do you think we should eat?

Firstgrader:  I think if it's very yummy, we should still eat a lot of it, with lots of vegetables and water.


11:20pm on Friday night
Preschooler: Mommy, when are you going to make cake? If you don't, I'm going to bed.

Me: Go to bed now. What can be more important than going to bed?

He: Poop, pee.

(August 20, 2012  the soon-to-be-1st-grader read and said: who said it? Mom: you. he couldn't stop laughing at what he said.)


First-grader: "Mommy, I was born to teach you."
Me: "to teach me what??"
She: "to teach you all about me!"


Firstgrader, after being picked up from school bus station, looked up at me and said: "whenever I look up, you are there."

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Sat. evening after everyone's showered and changed into comfy clothes, we sit down together to decide what plans we have for tomorrow:

Before planning, things we definitely need to fit in:
1. (from mom) go to downtown library to exchange paintings;
2. (firstgrader) daily homework
3. (preschooler) daily homework

What else everyone wants to do together:
A. Preschooler: Option 1) Jump city -- no one else wants to
                                     2) wants to check out books (mommy can help)

B. Firstgrader: Option 1) neighborhood walk -- no one else wants to
                                    2) Olson Park
                                    3) botanic garden

C. Mom: we also need to 4. sum up the allowance earned for the month of April; 5. plan birthday parties if anyone wants to have one (preschooler's birthday coming up)
               2) also wants to go to Olson Park for biking and seeing the sprouting trees

D. Dad: Option 1) if it rains, watch basketball game -- no one else wants to; 2) if it doesn't rain, Olson Park

So, the day looks like this: (mommy ordered the lib books online); weather forecast: AM showers, warm

1. Kids finish homework
2. all finish breakfast, calculate allowance
3. Kids quiet time
4. kids lunch/adults brunch
5. downtown library
6. biking in Olson park

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Today, the firstgrader did something embarrassing. Afterwards I was waiting for her outsider her shower, and she said: Mom, what if we want to be somebody else? I want to be you.

Me: In 10 years you will be so tall and smart and beautiful, and I will look older. and in 20 years you will grow to be even bigger and more beautiful and know and enjoy what you're doing, you don't want to be anybody else.

She: Mom, if I have children, will you be nice to them?

Me: What do you think?

Preschooler: I want to have a lot of children.

She: You will, because you're caring and you love me. (To preschooler) You know you can't have kids yet. You need to get married first

Then she got out of the shower, stood next to me, and said, Mom, you're so short. I'm to your chest, and at 10 years old I will be taller than you.

Me: I hope so.

Preschooler: I will be taller than you when I'm 9. I don't have to decide what I will do in the future yet.

On the dining table

Preschooler: Mommy, when I become big, I will be a cook, and make you yummy food. I don't want to be a doctor.

Me: Sure. You can be whatever you want to be. That's very nice of you.

Firstgrader: I want to be a cook too.

Me: But being a cook is a lot of work. Are you sure?

She: No.

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The firstgrader's hopes for herself in the new year:
1. have more inspirations to write sentence (one-sentence daily journal)
2. good habit of drinking fluids

and wishes for the new year:
1. more sleepovers with best friend
2. waterpark trip
3. draw better -- round shining eyes

4. nice quiet space to read and write
5. less dry cough

The preschooler's hopes for self:
1. can read words and books by self
2. drive a helicopter
3. decorate Christmas tree by self
4. build train tracks by self
5. be nicer to big sis and get more presents from Santa

1. play family game *right now*
2. big sis stop picking her nose
3. dad stop opening mouth when eating

Dad's for self:
1. more workouts to lose weight
2. stop procrastinating (good one! mom needs that too)

1. settle
2. health
3. kids fight less

Mom's for self:
1. regular writing sessions 
2. more patience and discipline

1. smooth transitions
2. good-quality work

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