目前分類:Teenage years (2)

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14-year-old at bedtime:

I have a confession to make. Sometimes I feel bad and I just take it out on you. It's not because of you. It's just because you're there.



14-yr-old: You said we were mistakes.

Me: I said you were accidents.

14-yr-old: These are the same things.

Me: No they are not. Accidents can be lovely like you and your sibling.

14-yr-old: My sibling is like an onion.

Me: what?

14-yr-old: She’s an onion. You don’t want to be close to her. When she opens up, you want to cry.

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Mom's reading a novel, and the 13-year-old walked in to the room.

Mom: If you find yourself really liking a girl like you never felt before, and then find out that she's from a family that emphasizes their high social class as being the top 5% of the world, what would you do?

13-yr-old: I would eat duck, eat skittles, and drink orange juice.

Mom: What about the girl? Would you do anything about her - persist, give up or ?

13-yr-old: Eat my duck.

Mom: If you find yourself really liking a girl like you never felt before, and then find out that she's from a family that has lots of complicated issues, what would you do?

13-yr-old: Eat my duck, eat skittles, drink orange juice, and play video games.


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