I don't want to start all posts with "Time flies."  It is so scary at times to see how fast it has gone by for sure.  In July I had a painful "small oral surgery" that hurt me for at least 2.5 weeks while the dentist originally said only would leave me sore for a weekend :(((  In August because of work travel and essay deadline I didn't have much rest and my voice was gone.  In September it took weeks before my voice came back so I slowed down.  

In the new school year, the two kids started piano because the 9-yr-old wants to learn flute and the 7-yr-old guitar, and the piano teacher friend suggested that one year of piano helps paving the way for learning all musical instruments.  The teacher is originally from Russia and has been teaching the kids to use the soft hands.  They continue their Chinese school, but soon the 7-yr-old quit so he could participate in Saturday soccer games now that he starts going to practice on Mondays. The 9-yr-old also started girl guides, but hasn't stepped up to her job of selling cookies except in two occasions where we took her to Marathon and the second time neighborhood. At the Marathon so many people were there but the 9-yr-old didn't speak up. She eventually sold most of the 2 cases (12 boxes in one case and $5 for each box) because some people would tell her she's cute and buy cookies from her. 

Speaking of girl guides cookies, the 9-yr-old's previous teacher said she sold those as a young girl and it was $.75 a box.  The friend who's now 25 yrs old said it was $2 per box when she had to sell it. 

Piano lessons and Chinese homework take a lot of practices and that's where I admire those tiger moms who can supervise their kids day to day and month after month. 

This morning the 7-yr-old suddenly said to me "I wish it were winter break already. I need a break." I ask him why, and he said "I am stressed out." We were in a hurry to get to school so I didn't get to check further. On our way back home, I asked him what that was about. It turned out that a classmate is  out of control, and it creates tension in the class which was normally under control by the experienced teacher who is now on sick leave because of injured knee. Really hope she will get well and come back to the class soon.

The 9-yr-old has worts on her hands, and fungus feet, and sometimes doesn't brush her teeth thoroughly. I kept telling her that she does look very cute, but she needs better hygiene habits -- she doesn't listen and follow the instructions very well. 

Last night my macbook fell on my foot and it's sporting a bluepurple and swollen patch. A couple colleagues think I should go get it checked, but hubby thinks I'll be okay. Limping across work place is a bit embarrassing.  The best friend said the silver lining is that my foot saved my macbook arghhhhhh. I miss having best friends around.

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