Mom (M) to 7-yr-old (7) across the hall (Other than getting up for breakfast bun, has simply stayed in bed curled up reading): What are you doing?
7:     pooping.
M:   You need to turn on the fan and close the door!
7:     I did both but I didn't turn on the washroom light. Come on and turn it on for me!
M:   Do it yourself!
7:     I can't right now!
M:   Yes you can!
.... (The sound of water turning on and off -- to prevent tissue paper waste, we ask them to wash their bum after pooping at home when no one is in a hurry -- and the kiddo immediately walked out.)
M:   You're done? Did you wipe?
7:    Yes I did.
M:   Good.
7:     Actually I used your towel to wipe because my towel is not there.
M:   OH NO!
7:    hehehehehe.

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