It is a week after the movers came to move most of the stuff. I was scrambling to get the kids to school the first Monday after the move day, and our car died the second time after the Victoria Day long weekend. That time it was the starter. The mechanic said the battery died completely when the starter problem happened, but it's safer to replace it. I had to ask him to replace it there and then because I could not afford being stranded with the kids anywhere else than home. We shopped around for a stackable washer/dryer this week too and finally made a decision on Friday afternoon. I have to attend a local conference this weekend, so most of the room and living room bookshelf remain undone. Hubby finally started it but I'll have to go back and rearrange the shelf. Our room and washroom stuff are still waiting to be sorted.
in the middle of painting the living room
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    honey oolong

    Life on an Island

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