When the kids were a bit older than toddlers, they asked for more siblings. When they were a bit bigger, they wished for twins. I told them since they didn't choose to come at the same time, they missed the chance of being twins. They explained that they each wanted their own twin, not each other as twin. The younger one told me when he was 3 that if we had a baby, he would help take care of the baby, get up to feed the baby in the middle of the night, and change diapers.

Now they are both school age, their ideas about additional family members changed a lot. Both of them do not wish to have a baby in the home any more, because babies drool, wear diapers and cry, all the things they did plenty before but don't remember.

The 1st-grader: Only I'm the cutest when I was born, other babies are not cute. I don't like babies.
The 3rd-grader: Babies are cute, but they are noisy. I like them.
                Mom: Is it okay to adopt a baby?
                Both: No more babies.

I read a short article from a parenting blog at the beginning of the new school year as the younger one enters school age. This article reminds parents that the time kids want to be around you is actually very short. Most kids after elementary school won't want to be around parents; for some kids at most 2 more years beyond elementary school. After that time kids won't spend much time around parents any more.

After kids started school, there is an obvious change. The younger one definitely hangs around after school to play with friends and no longer sticks to our side so much any more. He talks a lot about friends. I started feeling that the kids are now becoming more independent, and their young years are no longer. While feeling happy for them, I became nostalgic for their toddler cute chubby cuddly selves, and changed my screen saver and desktops to albums of their toddler years.  They are still cuddly and huggy, but definitely become older and more in charge of themselves.

As I was feeling nostalgic, the 6-yr-old came to hug me one day and said to me: I would like to become a baby again and go back into your tummy. What a big contrast to his claim of being a bid kid! His godmother said that's growth pain. The other day he said he misses me because he feels that he doesn't see me so much any more. So on the one hand he enjoys the freedom of being bigger and friends' company but on the other he doesn't want to let go of the bond. I hope we will share a deep bond that's regardless of time passing. I cherish every moment we spend together.

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