Every time when we take walks by the seashore, watching the tides washing ashore, I always think about the poem in that previous post, the opening poem of the Tales of the Three Nations:

Rolling long river of Yangtzu vanishes into the east
Its tides washing away all heroes
All the right, wrong, success and failure all vanish in a blink of an eye
The green mountains remains
How many times have the red sun set?

However many things happening in the past and present
all but tales in chats

In that case, is there still any obsession thing we should hold on to? This song keeps ringing in my ears during my every seashore walk.

Then we saw the salmon run.

It is something we know that salmons do, for a long long time from books. Seeing it live, though, is completely different. All these salmons have been tracing back their roots since the summer in the ocean to make it this far in the mountain rivers. We witnessed first-hand their struggles to go upstream, many places where they've had to flip, being washed back in the rush current, and continued on their journey. A few already died and, according to the park service, in one month the whole valley will stink of all their bodies. Another visitor commented that these still look relatively healthy, since they have not reached their end. But some of the salmons have lost lots of skin, and it is really amazing how they keep go on without any hesitation. Once they lay eggs, they meet their end and die.

With the end so near, they keep going on. It amazed me and left me in awe.

So other than leaving behind offsprings, is there some meaning in their long and strenuous journey, amazing as it is? As part of a complete cycle in an ecosystem, they dutifully performed their roles, however hard it is. Is it because human beings deviates from such paths that we think so much and believe that we have/explore some other reasons for being here?

I wondered and wondered when we watched these salmons continue upstream. And then of course I wonder if I simple think too much about it.

    創作者 honey oolong 的頭像
    honey oolong

    Life on an Island

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