By second-grader after dinner, homework and shower, in pajamas
I have been singing hot crust buns for months and I have been playing hot crust buns on the recorder too. My mom is getting fed up with it ( ha ha!)
I learned eight songs today because  there is only EIGHT more lessons in the year!!!

By mom

I was just going to start another blog entry, when second-grader started singing "Hot cross bun" again -- this 3-sound recorder song is so monotonous that I kept wondering why they haven't progressed to more sophisticated songs.

This year we didn't plan summer camp ahead of time because of many prior uncertainties: moving location, job prospect, etc. After finally finding a place to move to in early May, it's a bit late to register for themed summer camps. The kids will definitely swim, and we'll look for soccer classes for both. The lazy mom doesn't want them separated for extra curriculum classes that we have to drive them separately. Hopefully we'll have fun getting into a new place and enjoying the green pasture after we move. Wish we could have a goat or sheep, and chicken. But farm life would mean long distance commute, which is not something we can do, because we need time together as family and long commuting would take away from that.

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Just showed the kids and hubby some posts we did in the past, after not visiting this blog for a long time. Reading over the kids talk really increased the appreciation for having written these things down back then... So will definitely write more of it from now on.

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Yummy sausages

Me: The sausages that we ordered will arrive next week, and they are very very yummy. The problem is, sausage is simply not a healthy food. How much of it do you think we should eat?

Firstgrader:  I think if it's very yummy, we should still eat a lot of it, with lots of vegetables and water.


11:20pm on Friday night
Preschooler: Mommy, when are you going to make cake? If you don't, I'm going to bed.

Me: Go to bed now. What can be more important than going to bed?

He: Poop, pee.

(August 20, 2012  the soon-to-be-1st-grader read and said: who said it? Mom: you. he couldn't stop laughing at what he said.)


First-grader: "Mommy, I was born to teach you."
Me: "to teach me what??"
She: "to teach you all about me!"


Firstgrader, after being picked up from school bus station, looked up at me and said: "whenever I look up, you are there."

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I just came back from 6 days in the interior, an amazing trip through the landscape of coast, mountain forest, dry and wild ranch country, northern forest, and back.

After 3 days of driving through very rainy and grey landscape, the fourth morning was brightened with sunshine and was the most wonderful and cheerful day. It really makes a big difference -- if it weren't for the three full rainy, cold and grim days, the sun would not have been SO much more appreciated.

The kindergartener made 3 welcome-home cards for mommy ^_^ The 2nd-grader read through 6 volumes of Harry Potter when mom was away.

What everyone hopes for family members:
For daddy -- take a deep breath and have quiet time before dealing with things and kids that frustrate him;
For 2nd grader -- take a deep breath and use smart brain to solve problems and make good choices of finish duties;
For kindergartener -- take a deep breath and use smart brain to make good choices and solve problem by first looking at problem/face in the eyes;
For self -- take a deep breath and be organized with work and daily life.

For daddy -- not scream; give him quiet space when he's frustrated;
For mommy -- get done with homework soon and play with me; (mommy: play what??)
For kindergartener -- not to annoy me when I'm doing homework or something I like;
For self -- keep calm.

For mommy -- get more exercise, relax about job;
For 2nd-grader -- listen to daddy, finish work before reading;
For kindergartener -- solve problems without crying, and not to annoy and irritate others;
For self -- follow heart to work and plan for future, less temper.

For daddy -- not scream; take a deep breath, and not to bite my nose;
For mommy -- you can do your job and don't get frustrated with job (Dad: when and where did mommy get frustrated? Kindergartener: because I don't know what to say)
For 2nd-grader -- don't yell at me like today;
For self -- don't cry and take deep breath when frustrated.

Next weekend, what we want to do together:
2nd-grader: ride bike, mountain hiking, and read books; go to library to check out books;
Kindergartener: nice weather go to Goldstream, take a walk, look at magic show in Inner Harbour;
Daddy: watch basketball together (Kindergartener: yeah! chimpanzee. Dad: no! Championship game.); nice weather take a road trip (not if there's a game on TV);
Mom: take an oceanside stroll.

Last thing to add before going to bed:
Kindergartener: add to wishlist a playdate with Noah.


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Every time when we take walks by the seashore, watching the tides washing ashore, I always think about the poem in that previous post, the opening poem of the Tales of the Three Nations:

Rolling long river of Yangtzu vanishes into the east
Its tides washing away all heroes
All the right, wrong, success and failure all vanish in a blink of an eye
The green mountains remains
How many times have the red sun set?

However many things happening in the past and present
all but tales in chats

In that case, is there still any obsession thing we should hold on to? This song keeps ringing in my ears during my every seashore walk.

Then we saw the salmon run.

It is something we know that salmons do, for a long long time from books. Seeing it live, though, is completely different. All these salmons have been tracing back their roots since the summer in the ocean to make it this far in the mountain rivers. We witnessed first-hand their struggles to go upstream, many places where they've had to flip, being washed back in the rush current, and continued on their journey. A few already died and, according to the park service, in one month the whole valley will stink of all their bodies. Another visitor commented that these still look relatively healthy, since they have not reached their end. But some of the salmons have lost lots of skin, and it is really amazing how they keep go on without any hesitation. Once they lay eggs, they meet their end and die.

With the end so near, they keep going on. It amazed me and left me in awe.

So other than leaving behind offsprings, is there some meaning in their long and strenuous journey, amazing as it is? As part of a complete cycle in an ecosystem, they dutifully performed their roles, however hard it is. Is it because human beings deviates from such paths that we think so much and believe that we have/explore some other reasons for being here?

I wondered and wondered when we watched these salmons continue upstream. And then of course I wonder if I simple think too much about it.

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It's been a month since starting the new job and 1.5 months since moving to the island.

It does not cease to amaze me that 5-minute walk takes us to the ocean side -- there are trails along the cliff over the ocean front, rocky edge of the cliff, and small patches mixed or rocky and sandy beach. Really enjoy the most amazing view of tides and sunset that is never the same every day. The colonial style buildings are so intricately ornate.

20 years ago I was visiting the island for half a day and decided that this is where, and now this is indeed where my family would like to settle. Love the alpine trees against the sky.

Watching the tides ebb and flow reminded me of the opening poem to the classic The Tales of the Three Nations:


"All the right, wrong, success, and failure all disappear upon the turning of head."

Watching the tides ebb and flow, the sun rises and sets, it just keeps reminding me to open up and broaden my mind, since nothing lasts forever and we can only do our best on a daily basis.

Fortunately at work both people I trust to take advice from keep reminding me not to overextend myself or take away time from family.

As settling into the position, I'm learning about new challenges, while feeling a different level of command and sense of responsibility for the larger communities.

The new chapter begins.

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Finally we got all our things on Thursday evening. It felt like a dream to look around the bedroom, where we slept on the floor for 15 days, that is now filled with some of our most familiar stuff in the bedroom, the beds, old and torn love seat whose side is the kitty's favorite scratch post, and warm lights.

Seaside 5 minutes walk from apt.

Now the living room is still messy with the remaining boxes, along with the balcony which serves the function of temporary storage -- we were promised storage before we came, and then realized that for this 175-apt. building there are only 70 storages.

The goal for this first weekend after the first work week is to get everything in place, or most things at best. Feel so sleepy though :b

The kids have been fighting everyday this past week, and they are separated now because they fought every chance they got.

As the day goes, the kids finished their homework, and we're clearing out most of the boxes in the living room... Lots more organizing to go: getting the shoe organizer on, reorganize the clothes, put up decorative arts, and put the rest in storage, before our home is ready for our convenience, yeah!

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It has been an amazing journey during the past half an year. After the highly stressful year of job search for both me and hubby, we both started interviewing in May, knowing that we had to move by the end of July. After some trips, I started the intensive exams, which eventually led to my job in this beautiful tourist city on the Pacific northwest coast, where I always wanted to be.

As best friend was saying, it's not just what the job can do, but also what nice, diverse, and constructive environment we can provide our kids with by moving to such a place.

There are many things about this move. These days as we wait for our belongings to come with the mover, we have to do all the lovely things necessary for relocating into a new country and place. Whenever we are free, there are so many places to walk around here in this popular tourist town. It feels like the town was taken over by tourist every each of the street during daytime till late at night during the summer. I've never lived in a popular tourist location that it is all new to me. Kids rather enjoy all the seaside entertainment and even bought a painting on site, where the artist offered soon-to-be-kindergartener special price.

Living in downtown area makes it more noisy. But we enjoy the convenience of easy access to grocery store, harbour, oceanfront, downtown shops, and of course work. Hopefully hubby will find a job soon after kids start school, and hope that kids will get into the school behind my work place, and that all goes well.

New life!

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Sat. evening after everyone's showered and changed into comfy clothes, we sit down together to decide what plans we have for tomorrow:

Before planning, things we definitely need to fit in:
1. (from mom) go to downtown library to exchange paintings;
2. (firstgrader) daily homework
3. (preschooler) daily homework

What else everyone wants to do together:
A. Preschooler: Option 1) Jump city -- no one else wants to
                                     2) wants to check out books (mommy can help)

B. Firstgrader: Option 1) neighborhood walk -- no one else wants to
                                    2) Olson Park
                                    3) botanic garden

C. Mom: we also need to 4. sum up the allowance earned for the month of April; 5. plan birthday parties if anyone wants to have one (preschooler's birthday coming up)
               2) also wants to go to Olson Park for biking and seeing the sprouting trees

D. Dad: Option 1) if it rains, watch basketball game -- no one else wants to; 2) if it doesn't rain, Olson Park

So, the day looks like this: (mommy ordered the lib books online); weather forecast: AM showers, warm

1. Kids finish homework
2. all finish breakfast, calculate allowance
3. Kids quiet time
4. kids lunch/adults brunch
5. downtown library
6. biking in Olson park

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Had very tough two weeks of suspecting serious sickness, going through medial exams, having serious conflicts about future plans, and knowing the not good news about the house that needs to be sold, the weather was warming up and spring feel was in the air. It was too fast for me, which is so strange. Snow was all melting away. Spring and flowers and birds chirping were all supposed to be wonderful signs of brave new start, and I always embraced them in previous years, but this time I was not ready for that because of the waiting to get publications and applications done. Amidst the surroundings that seasonal transformation seemed to be upon us quickly, it snowed all afternoon today. The tree branches are piled with snow, and quiet snow is still falling. How strange that I look at the snow as new hope, hope that things still have time to work out before real spring time. It is gloomy dark with light snow continuing to fall, and I just feel thankful, thankful.

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Got a cold from hubby, who got it from his colleague, who has been coughing for 2-3 weeks since he returned from the Bay Area for the New Year. On Monday it was very uncomfortable, and I had a hard time sleeping because of sinus headache. On Tuesday I thought it was getting better, but then on Wed. it was lot of cough, and hubby had a low fever. Today my whole front rib cage hurts because of all the cough. 

Thanks to our nice neighbor family, we still had a nice dinner (they make 3 dishes and we do too) for Chinese New Year's Eve -- they made ribs, buns (mutton, red bean, and black bean fillings), and northern Chinese cabbage; we made Chinese red pepper chicken on tofu sheets and cucumber, pearl balls (vege  meatballs wrapped in glutinous rice), and pan fried red bell pepper with corn.

Today I've been coughing and rib cage hurting that I could not do much. I wear a cotton mask that covers my nose and mouth so I don't cough on people, which is what my hubby believes his colleague should have done, asked him to but this guy didn't. The preschooler's teacher really appreciated that I did it.

On the plus side of this, the kids came home and had to make their own afternoon snacks with a cup of water; firstgrader made a jam sandwich and had a banana with it, and the preschooler got plates for some vege chips with a clementine. Usually I had to get all these things upon their request, but because today I'm a germ bearer they have to do it themselves, and they did really well!

I've been drinking warm water with citron honey, squeezed lemon juice, raspberry juice and honey. Who can tell me when this cough will end at all??

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This winter southeast Michigan has not seen much snow -- compared to the normal, or to the East Coast, I mean. I saw an AP weather headline: "Snow, shovel, repeat: East Coast digs out again." I know it's hard work, but when i saw the beginning of the report, I couldn't help but laughed. It said: "Enough already." I understand it because we had that two winters ago, when snow accumulation started around Thanksgiving.

Last Friday there was a severe weather warning, telling everyone to go home before storm arrived at 9pm. The kids had Mandarin classes, so we were talking about getting them home right after the classes. It turned out that the storm stretched through north of here, so we didn't get any real snow accumulation.

Right after this false alarm, though, is this big winter snow storm that everybody started talking about over the weekend -- a storm that would freeze one third of the U.S. It was difficult to take it seriously after not having snow problem (we do have snow, mind you, just not enough to get in the way of daily routine) this winter, esp. in light of seeing how much the East Coast has got so far. When hubby went to the grocery, someone asked him if he was stocking up for this storm. Many people talk about it, and the weather men is predicting difficult traffic on Wed. But over the weekend and on Monday there was sunshine shining on the white snow in the back, bright and beautiful. Everything feels so quiet. There are pretty icicles hanging under the roof, shining in the sunlight. It puzzles me a bit why snow melts when it's in the 10s or 20s, but maybe the roof is warmer for the heat we use underneath.

Come Tuesday today, there was a little snow accumulation -- unlike the prediction of slippery roads, it was clear when I drove out after 8:30am. Everything still feels very quiet, and even bright even without sun. But the blizzard warning has been issued --

This afternoon: cloudy, cold with a chance of light snow - Highs: upper teens
Blizzard Warning goes into effect at 7:00 p.m.
Tonight after 8pm-Wednesday before 10am: heavy snow likely, blowing & drifting, thunder possible - Temps: 15 to 20

Curious to see how it goes. I was curious how bad it could be so I checked out what happened yesterday in the Plains, and a reporter showed snow being blown across town. 
(Last night I thought about all the snow we had two winters ago when we first moved here, and wished that I had stated recording these things back then. So will update the storm situation here when it arrives.)

The Public School system has decided to close tomorrow for sure now. 5:30pm Tuesday evening, everything is very quiet. Usually we pull up the windshield swipers before the snow so they are not in the way when we clear the snow on the windshield. But today I didn't do it because the blizzard is predicted to bring strong wind gust which might break the swipers, I wonder. 

The preschooler woke up early this morning, and the teacher said he didn't nap. He just took an one-hour nap, and now laying on my knees watching "Cat in the Hat."

Feb. 3, 0:28am
Turned out nothing really serious happened here. The most intense clouds past us in the south, and instead of the predicted 10-15 inch snow accumulation, it was only 5.9, which is not such a serious problem here. Of course I respect the plow crew.

Friends in El Paso, TX today has lower temperature than us in MI today -- this kind of day probably happens once every other year. The university is closing for 2 days for the snow and windchill.

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Today, the firstgrader did something embarrassing. Afterwards I was waiting for her outsider her shower, and she said: Mom, what if we want to be somebody else? I want to be you.

Me: In 10 years you will be so tall and smart and beautiful, and I will look older. and in 20 years you will grow to be even bigger and more beautiful and know and enjoy what you're doing, you don't want to be anybody else.

She: Mom, if I have children, will you be nice to them?

Me: What do you think?

Preschooler: I want to have a lot of children.

She: You will, because you're caring and you love me. (To preschooler) You know you can't have kids yet. You need to get married first

Then she got out of the shower, stood next to me, and said, Mom, you're so short. I'm to your chest, and at 10 years old I will be taller than you.

Me: I hope so.

Preschooler: I will be taller than you when I'm 9. I don't have to decide what I will do in the future yet.

On the dining table

Preschooler: Mommy, when I become big, I will be a cook, and make you yummy food. I don't want to be a doctor.

Me: Sure. You can be whatever you want to be. That's very nice of you.

Firstgrader: I want to be a cook too.

Me: But being a cook is a lot of work. Are you sure?

She: No.

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The firstgrader's hopes for herself in the new year:
1. have more inspirations to write sentence (one-sentence daily journal)
2. good habit of drinking fluids

and wishes for the new year:
1. more sleepovers with best friend
2. waterpark trip
3. draw better -- round shining eyes

4. nice quiet space to read and write
5. less dry cough

The preschooler's hopes for self:
1. can read words and books by self
2. drive a helicopter
3. decorate Christmas tree by self
4. build train tracks by self
5. be nicer to big sis and get more presents from Santa

1. play family game *right now*
2. big sis stop picking her nose
3. dad stop opening mouth when eating

Dad's for self:
1. more workouts to lose weight
2. stop procrastinating (good one! mom needs that too)

1. settle
2. health
3. kids fight less

Mom's for self:
1. regular writing sessions 
2. more patience and discipline

1. smooth transitions
2. good-quality work

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The preschooler has been sitting in front of the laptop listening to the NASA astronauts answering youths' questions from the International Space Station. The firstgrader was already bored and, after realizing the impossibility of playing the NASA games online, went to her books.

WikiLeaks so far has not released info. about any aliens from outer space.

There are snow storms in Europe and Mongolia. The Arctic sea is increasingly rising in spotlight as a site of struggle for resources in global environmental crisis.

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Firstgrader's class asks everyone to predict when the first day for 3-inch snow accumulation here in southeast Michigan this year.

First grader: December 1
Preschooler: January 1
Mom: November 24
Dad: November 26

This week is going to be 60s in the highs, so it feels a bit strange to be talking about snow accumulation. But the adults remember the very cold and snowy winter two years ago. After a warm golden October weekend, the winter was colder than normal and snow accumulation started with Thanksgiving break. 

The Old Farmer's Almanac predicts a winter colder than normal. This is the almanac's prediction about the days that adults in our family are predicting 3-inch snow accumulation:

Nov 20-24: Rain and snow, then flurries, cold

Curious to see whose guess will be the closest!

The first day of more than 3-inch snow accumulation this winter was December 12, 2010, which resulted in a snow day (one school day off) on December 13, Monday. So the firstgrader's guess was the closest.

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Firstgrader's class asks everyone to predict when the first day for 3-inch snow accumulation here in southeast Michigan this year.

First grader: December 1

Preschooler: January 1

Me: November 24

Dad: November 26


This week is going to be 60s in the highs, so it feels a bit strange to be talking about snow accumulation. But the adults remember the very cold and snowy winter two years ago. After a warm golden October weekend, the winter was colder than normal and snow accumulation started with Thanksgiving break. 


The Old Farmer's Almanac predicts a winter colder than normal:

Nov 20-24: Rain and snow, then flurries, cold

Curious to see whose guess will be the closest!
UPDATE: November 30, 2010   
Today: rainy and cloudy, high at 54F. Now the temperature steadily drops. According to the forecast it will drop below 0 celsius and start snowing. 
There has been no real snow so far, so me and dad lost out already. First grader really hopes for snow tomorrow, December 1st. 

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1. I have a lot of food.
2. I'm glad I have a nice family.
3. Parents pay for my school and lessons.
4. Parents tell me what's safe to do and what's not safe to do.
5. Parents love me and make sure I'm safe.
6. (5 not enough) I like it when parents do things for me that I cannot do, like making supper.

1. I love my family, my animals, pillows
2. I like having my dinner 
3. I like reading books and saw deer
4. I like my family hug, play and work with me
5. I like my friends: Abby, Drake, Josh, grandma, 
(5 is not enough for the preschooler)
6. I like sitting with mom on the couch and read books with mom and i like Pokemon
7. dad feeds me
8. thankful for toys, Pokemon, gummy vitamins and calcium and fish (oil), cartoons
9. can play a lot and no homework
10. our neighborhood

1. Family are safe, sweet with love
2. We can feed ourselves
3. We have a warm and cozy home during cold winter
4. We get to see the beautiful autumn in Michigan 
5. my macbook

1. have a job to work on
2. When I get home I see my wife and kids
3. health of family
4. warm house
5. had a walk in nice day with wife to the car after meeting an old friend

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There are so many narratives, some conflicting, and others corresponding. How do I make it flow as one narrative, one story to tell?

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Today: extremely windy at times. 60s. sunny. autumn leaves swept away or in circles by the wind.

This is probably our last autumn in the Midwest -- a great season in a beautiful locale during this time of the year. Two summers ago when we first came here from the southern state, the temperature of 40s in November was so difficult to get used to. But after that first very snowy and cold winter, 40s in the spring felt so warm and welcoming.

In autumn, we've enjoyed lots of activities -- apple picking, corn maze, botanic garden with its last petals and leaves and fresh lavender, riverside driving, pumpkin carving and treat-or-treating in a large community, and meeting international families...

I always wanted to grasp the beauty of autumn before, but this season, when reading poems and facing all the uncertainties of life, I thought of the ancient zen master's poem, which is roughly translated as:

Spring has variety of flowers and Autumn moon,
Summer has cool breezes and Winter snow,
If there's no worries in mind,
Every moment is a good one in this world.

And one of my favorite songs goes -- 人隨風過 自在花開花又落   不管世間滄桑如何: let the wind pass, feel comfortable with letting flowers blossom and fall again, regardless of the vicissitudes of the world. 

It feels right to know that I've done my best to appreciate and enjoy the autumn beauty at the moment and feel comfortable about the passing of seasonal beauties.  Buddhism has it that all these outside changes are like dreams, fantasies, dew, electricity, fleeting and ever-changing.  The desire to grasp beauty and the sadness about its going is one form of personal obsession and a limited view.

Tomorrow will be 20 degrees lower than today, and the preschooler has a field trip to the corn maze. The teacher suggested warm clothes. We came home and started brainstorming, and he took out his snow suit to wear tomorrow, but his first-grader sister thought that's too warm for tomorrow.  He really wants to wear it though, and is now trying it on. We'll see.

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Today: extremely windy at times. 60s. sunny. autumn leaves swept away or in circles by the wind.

This is probably our last autumn in the Midwest -- a great season in a beautiful locale during this time of the year. Two summers ago when we first came here from the southern state, the temperature of 40s in November was so difficult to get used to. But after that first very snowy and cold winter, 40s in the spring felt so warm and welcoming.

In autumn, we've enjoyed lots of activities -- apple picking, corn maze, botanic garden with its last petals and leaves and fresh lavender, riverside driving, pumpkin carving and treat-or-treating in a large community, and meeting international families...

I always wanted to grasp the beauty of autumn before, but this season, when reading poems and facing all the uncertainties of life, I thought of the ancient zen master's poem, which is roughly translated as:

Spring has variety of flowers and Autumn moon,
Summer has cool breezes and Winter snow,
If there's no worries in mind,
Every moment is a good one in this world.

And one of my favorite songs goes -- 人隨風過 自在花開花又落   不管世間滄桑如何: let the wind pass, feel comfortable with letting flowers blossom and fall again, regardless of the vicissitudes of the world

It feels right to know that I've done my best to appreciate and enjoy the autumn beauty at the moment and feel comfortable about the passing of seasonal beauties.  Buddhism has it that all these outside changes are like dreams, fantasies, dew, electricity, fleeting and ever-changing.  The desire to grasp beauty and the sadness about its going is one form of personal obsession and a limited view.

Tomorrow will be 20 degrees lower than today, and the preschooler has a field trip to the corn maze. The teacher suggested warm clothes. We came home and started brainstorming, and he took out his snow suit to wear tomorrow, but his first-grader sister thought that's too warm for tomorrow.  He really wants to wear it though, and is now trying it on. We'll see.

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